Novo won Best of Georgia, in the field of Mental Health Treatment
2021, 2022, 2023
A little bit about us...
My name is Shubha Swamy and I started Novo Psychotherapy so individuals could have a place to address their issues, approach their goals in a meaningful way, and above all, to have a safe place to land. We are honored to have been voted BEST MENTAL HEALTH PRACTICE in our area and we will continue to serve with warmth and integrity. We appreciate you checking out this site and encourage you to call and speak with one of our skilled and caring providers.

People seek counseling services for different reasons. Here are a few issues where counseling can be helpful:
*feeling unfulfilled with home or work life; feeling stuck
*changes in your life that are feeling overwhelming or difficult to adapt to
*Stress, worry, difficulty sleeping, or intrusive thoughts impacting your daily life
*a desire to enhance your personal or professional relationships
*You may be struggling to start your family and facing unexpected fertility challenges.

Our work with clients is highly collaborative, respectful, and insight-oriented. We have advanced training in different theoretical modalities and work with you to find a combination of approaches best suited to your needs and wants. Our commitment is to help our clients find a way to make sense of their life, to solve immediate problems facing them, and to integrate the various parts of their life into a meaningful whole. Treatment can be short-term, goal-oriented, or long term growth work, regardless of duration, the goal is to support you and enhance your quality of life.

We understand what a big step it is to make that first call, so trust that our providers will take the time to respond quickly and compassionately to your needs and questions. We are always very happy to speak with you about what you are looking for and what options may be best for you. I encourage you to call and see for yourself - #770-847-0358